Okayama Prefectural Okayama Sozan Junior and Senior High School A summary of Super Global High School Business

1. Theme
Global leaders who are capable of carving out the future of Okayama and Japan through a spirit “Washitenagarezu” (It means that we harmonize the world but don’t lose our faith and are not influenced by others.)”
2. Summary
We are conducting activities of educating with inherited spirit “Washitenagarezu” that thinks a great deal of cooperativeness and identity. By a multiple effect of three activity “未来航路”(The Future Route) ”SOZAN 国際塾”(SOZAN International Cram School) and ”GLOBAL STUDIES”, we develop global leaders Having five qualifications and ability “High level of education”, “The problem solving ability”, “Communication skills”, “Leadership” and “The awareness of the social contributions” who carve out the future of Okayama and Japan through a spirit “Washitenagarezu”.
3. Details of the research and so on〈Purposes・Goals〉
- Purposes:
- We develop global leaders who are able to tackle challenges aggressively and work for a resolution and carve out the future of Okayama and Japan through a spirit “Washitenagarezu”.
- Goals:
- We develop five qualifications and ability that global leaders need to.
- “High level of education” (Students have an international sophistication in order to solve global problems.)
- “The problem solving ability” (Students are able to discover problems with global sight and think about the solution logically.)
- “Communication skills” (Students are able to understand a wide variety of views and values, and put their own ideas across.)
- “Leadership” (Students are able to affect their team with identity and cooperativeness.)
- “The awareness of the social contributions” (Students try to contribute Okayama, Japan and the world.)
4. Analyzing the current status and the assumption of research and development
We have been a prefectural school with unified lower and upper secondary school programs and conducting research activity based on comprehensive learning period, “未来航路”(The Future Route) since the 2002 academic year.Students have a high ability in English communication because our school was designated as designated schools for English education by the Ministry in the 2009 academic year and has been continuing efforts to promote 4 skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing.
However, there are some problems that study could not be reached activity of making explorations but just finished as a survey. Aggressive and independent attitude and overseas exchanges are insufficient.
In the 2014 academic year, since we accepted designation from Okayama Prefecture Education Board, we prescribed the rules of qualifications and ability that global human resources need to. We are committed to improving research activity, activities of educating with colleges, interaction of foreign students and so on.
5. Detail about plans for the implementation per unit of research and development
1. ① Research and development unitⅠ about “未来航路”(The Future Route)
- A first year student in junior high : Students research “Let’s know Okayama.” as their theme and summarize it on the newspaper.
- A second year student in junior high : Students research “Let’s know Japan.” as their theme and summarize it on the report. summarize that research on the report.
- A third year student in junior high : Students research “Let’s know the world.” as their theme and summarize it on their graduation thesis.
- A first year student in senior high : In first semester, students research global problems around them and they research an issue which has an opposite axis and is linked with first in second semester (e.g. In first semester, “A person’s actions and cash actions”→In second semester, “Liberalization of produce trade and preservation” In first semester, “Justice and fairness around us”→In second semester, “Development and environmental conservation” In first semester, “Education of Japan and oversees”→In second semester, “Education for entrance exams and for lifelong learning”.) We raise the basic ability to research an issue and students research an issues which can be connected to an issue of a second year student in senior high.
- A second year student in senior high : Students develop their first year’s research. They conduct research about “The role of Japan in the world” as a comprehensive term. Researches concerned are conducted and summarized as research papers by groups and field “Poverty and Hunger”, “Peace and Conflicts”, “Education”, “Health and Disease”, “Trade and Development” and “Sustainable development and Environmental problems” that we referred to the Millennium Development Goals.
- A third year student in senior high : Students conduct research about “Solving global problems” as their theme by using the results of a second year.Students conduct academic research that the goal is to proposing solutions including advancing to a foreign collage or studying abroad and summarize it on their essay in English.
2. Research tasks of Research and development unitⅡ「SOZAN国際塾」(SOZAN international cram school)
Students maintain relationship with Research and development unit Ⅰ“未来航路”(The future route), especially the theme of “Sustainable development and Environmental problems” is conducted. In order to improve it, students go to Australia on our field trip.
3. Research and development unitⅢ “GLOBAL STUDIES”
In order to support developing “five qualifications and ability” from research, we establish the goals of subjects in terms of “five qualifications and ability” that global leaders need to. Also from the regular curriculum, we aim to develop “five qualifications and ability” that global leaders need to by conducting the lessons that include active learning. Moreover, we raise English communication skills that students can speak the same as foreign senior high school students through the use of improvement class based on our own list “CAN-DO” (SACLA) that was researched and developed because we were designated as research by Okayama Prefecture Education Board the Ministry. This English skill is verified by taking the test “GTEC for STUDENTS” regularly.